With a clear and resonant voice tuned to a concert/recording quality mid Fm pentatonic scale, modes 1 & 4, this beautifully magical Tree Tobacco (Nicotiana glauca) Prayer Flute is empowered with 14 high quality Amethyst quartz crystal points, set like Spring buds into each branchlet stub spiraling up around the flute, allowing for the healing properties of Amethyst to join in harmonious synergy with the prayerful spirit of Tobacco. Whenever this flute's air column vibrates in the expression of its sound, it also vibrates the Amethyst crystals, creating through the piezoelectric effect a subtle electricity. This is a flute of natural magic, intended for prayer and healing intentions. As with all Dryad Flutes it was bored out unsplit, honoring the strength and integrity of the tree's growth rings and natural character, the sound chamber slightly tapered from 1" at the sound hole to 7/8" at the foot of the flute. Measuring 23" in length, the tone holes have been slightly offset for ergonomic fingering. Elk leather lacing with Amethyst and bone beads secures the bird to its nest. To help prevent wetout, the bird has been fitted with a cedar shoe, and a drain hole, covered by the lacing, has been designed into the air chamber. This Tobacco Prayer Flute has been well sealed, inside and out, so that neither of the alkaloids in Nicotiana glauca (nicotine and anabasine) come into contact with the player. Tree Tobacco ( Nicotiana glauca ) is a species of wild tobacco native to South America that can grow to the size of a small tree. It has naturalized to other parts of the world, including here in Southern California where the Cahuilla Indians used its leaves "interchangeably with other tobacco species in hunting rituals and as a poultice to treat swellings, bruises, cuts, wounds, boils, sores, inflamed throat, and swollen glands." (source) Various types of tobacco have been used traditionally in native cultures throughout the Americas as offerings to the spirits, for planting, for gathering food, for healings and for the Native American Pipe Ceremony. (source) SOLD Price includes Sales Tax, Shipping, a quilted Flute from Standing Flutes, Happiness Guarantee and a Lifetime Warranty! |