Arroyo Willow Branch Flute in Low D#

sound sample of this flute

Willow Branch Flute in D# with Turquoise Inlay from Dryad Branch Flutes

Willow Branch Flute in D# with Turquoise Inlay from Dryad Branch Flutes

Willow Branch Flute in D# with Turquoise Inlay from Dryad Branch Flutes                           Willow Branch Flute in D# with Turquoise Inlay from Dryad Branch Flutes                                Willow Branch Flute in D# with Turquoise Inlay from Dryad Branch Flutes                               Willow Branch Flute in D# with Turquoise Inlay from Dryad Branch Flutes                             

   Bark is an essential aspect of any tree, protecting the delicate flow of life up and down the thin cambium layer that lies just under it, between the bark and the wood.  A branch flute aught to honor and include that important aspect of the tree, if it can.  In this Arroyo Willow (Salix lasiolepis) unsplit branch flute, measuring 23 1/2" in length, most of the bark has been left on, though well sealed to prevent detachment from the wood.  Precisely tuned to a clear, sweet, low D# minor pentatonic scale, modes 1 & 4, it plays two upper octave notes as well as the gypsy scale.  Knot holes have been inlaid with blue turquoise.  Elk lacing with turquoise and horn bone beads holds the bird to the nest, the bird fitted with a redwood shoe to aid against wetout.  The branch for this flute was gathered sustainably, with love, respect and gratitude, along San Marcos Creek, in San Diego County, CA amongst a wild grove of native Arroyo Willow trees.   California Indians found many uses for the wonderful willow tree, including bows, baskets, shelters, clothing, fish traps and medicines derived from salicin in the willow's inner bark, the original aspirin.  

Dryad Flutes


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"How to Play and Care For Your Dryad Flute" booklet,
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